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how long does a conviction stay on your crb

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leah1290 | 02:22 Fri 06th Mar 2009 | Criminal
3 Answers
how long does a conviction stay on your crb fil if comitted in 2002


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However, providing the conviction did not result in a prison sentence of more than two and a half years, it becomes "spent" after a period, depending upon the sentence imposed.

This means it need not be declared, except when applying for positions in areas that are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.

See here (and many other places) for the details:
Further to NJ's excellent answer:

At present, if an employer carries out a CRB check (either at 'standard' or 'enhanced' level) on a potential employee, all convictions show up, even if they're 'spent'. This clearly operates against the spirit of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and there have been calls for the system to be refined. The CRB is currently working on the introduction of a 'basic' CRB check (which, it is proposed, will become the normal check used by most employers who require a CRB check). The 'basic' check will only show convictions which are not spent.

How long is my drink and drive conviction going to show on my CRb check?

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how long does a conviction stay on your crb

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