Where children are involved the law is actually on your side. The needs of the children would be given priority if there was any legal action about you moving back in. I presume you have joint ownership of the property.
I would just tell him you were moving back in with the children and that he and his girlfriend should move out. If he queries it, take legal advice. You have as much right to live there as he does.
If you did move back in and he DID go, if the kids are under 16 then he could not force a sale either..that is good if you could afford to keep it on...
yes im on the deeds but the thing is we have been going through a divorfor and hs decided to drive all the assets into the ground so i get nothing so this is a tactical move i pay £500 a month rent as a sinle prent with 2 cildren and him and his girlfriend are living in my house for £230 a month safe to say im a bit annoyed!
if you could afford to run the home without his input then see my previous answers...it may not ..no it WILL NOT be pleasant , but if you can get him out and you in then as there are kids involved there is little he could do till they are older...do as Lofty says, get a free first interview with family law solicitor, there may be legal moves to get you back in and him out...
I'm confused as to why you let the situation become as it has if it annoys you. You must have been hapy to agree to move out with the kids at one point.
well i moved out cos he got a bit strange with me but my skins thicker now and hes decided now that his girlfriend is pregnant that im to get nothing and im struggleing on my own with all my bills
get to a solicitor NOW...do NOT let it go on 'till there is a complication in the form of another child in the equation....as he will use that to strengthen his arguments... you have the upper hand now..that could change if she sprogs....STOP SHILLY SHALLYING......