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When my mothers savings fell below £23000 pounds she was entitled to apply for a "12 week disregard of nursing home fees". This is to give her time to sell her home. The council then ask if there is to be any contribution towards the cost of these 12 weeks from her family or other sources. It was agreed there would be no other contributions. On this basis, the council then negotiates a rate for the room (less than the full rate) which, if everything had been agreed in advance, would have been all the nursing home would have received.
For reasons I don't entirely know, the process of negotiating a price and assessing my mothers entitlement went on for months after the date of the 12 weeks in question. Since she had been paying the full amount, I am trying to claim the difference.
The home's defence is that "Having already received the fees for this period, at no time did the home agree to refund the difference between the rate agreed and paid by the resident (my mother) during this 12 week disregard period paid by the Council" (I have quoted exactly but omitted naming the parties involved, substituting general terms).
Thanks for the help so far.