what about standing in the doorway blocking them in the shop....or just shutting the doors until the police come? (letting others out as necessary, obviously) or what is the point of security guards? this morning i managed to block a very rude polish woman determined to push in a very long (15 minute) post office queue ahead of myself, others and an elderly lady (all on my own). as the rest of the queue watched her push in and out of it as she went to retrieve things she had 'forgotten' to buy in the shop and even used other tills in that time as well. she did it the first time and i didn't realise what she was up to, but the second time i asked the lady in front of me what she was up to and she told me. not one other person uttered a word and was happy about it (i found out afterwards), but seemed happy enough for her to do as she pleased. i was the only one who challenged her and she tried to ignore me at first, but then got very gobby with me when i refused to back down and let her past to her 'place' in the queue. again, no one intervened and she only backed down when i got gobby back and reminded her that although i have a walking stick, i'm not useless (and the stick can be used for other purposes!). again, no one (including men - i'm not being sexist here, but she was much bigger than me and abusive) did anything to help.....so i don't think people like to, actually. they probably never get thanked for it (the old lady said thank you to me and admitted she was too frightened to say anything to the woman) and could possibly get into trouble for it. i do it when i get annoyed by rudeness or ignorance, or i see a vulnerable person getting taken advantage of (the old lady said this woman told her to save her place in the queue while she went off and did stuff) and would like to think someone would do it for me - but if my own experiences are anything to go by, i'm not holding my breath x