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Boundary Fence

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Bradley6 | 11:44 Fri 26th Apr 2013 | Law
9 Answers
My property has a boundary fence of 3 ft. My neighbours have put up a 5ft fence within their garden 1 ft from the boundary fence. My garden is now in shade all day . Have I got any rights to ask them to take it dowm?


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unless of course the houses are on a pretty steep slope, or the garden is a foot wide then the effect of a 5 foot fence could be much more
12:46 Fri 26th Apr 2013
Not really. 5ft is not excessive.

I don't see how a 5 foot fence puts you in shade all day unless you live a near the arctic/antarctic circle.
I worked for Wickes for a while in the 80s and the standard fence panels were 4ft, 5ft, and 6ft high. No planning permission is required for a 6ft fence panel... sorry.
Took the words out of my mouth, tora. 5ft must be pretty standard for a fence panel.
unless of course the houses are on a pretty steep slope, or the garden is a foot wide then the effect of a 5 foot fence could be much more
Yes, you have the right to ask them to remove their shed but I would do so very kindly and gently as you are unable to insist that they do, the law is not always the best method to use; I think it was Winston Churchill who said it is better to jaw-jaw than to war-war.
What shed?
OK 5 foot fence panel, does it really matter?
no tony a 5ft fence is fine, bradley does not have the right to ask them to remove it.

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