I have a commercial tenant who rents floorspace on the 2nd floor. They deal with hundreds if not more boxes and have them stacked in all places.
They've made a make shift corridor to the fire exit with other 'pathways' there are some items on the floor so it's bit unkept, a trailing electrical cable also trails across the door of the lift that only they use to go up (but there isnt anything stopping anyone lse in the building going up there by accident) I maintain the fire safety devices, detectors, sounders, alarms, fire extinguishers and doors. But whose responsibility is it if only the company and the few staff work up there and they leave it in a mess, i.e, blocking the exit .
Is it my responsibility to ensure thier houskeeping slips, trips, fire safety or theirs?
Surely there is a standard clause in the lease to state that the tenants agree to keep the law which applies to the building ? That must include safety regulations, which state that fire exits must be completely uncluttered. Otherwise, the insurance may not be valid.
What does it say in their lease over storage are they in contravention of their lease?
You would not be showing due diligence if you believe their actions are causing a danger to themselves or others and you do nothing, make sure you are able to prove the action you take,
i daresay you can get free health and safety in the work place booklets, and signage that you could issue to them and all employees and put on walls, just to be on the safe side
though i don't think you're responsible for what they do - only structural stuff