Your favoured search engine should find numerous results for the phrase "quiet enjoyment", which may or may not appear in your lease's terms.
It appears to be normal lease terms that the Landlord can enter the property "to carry out inspection and effect repairs". On the face of it, this means inspecting the property but that seems redundant since most tenants will readily complain about substandard conditions or repairs needing to be done. So it's sometimes used ambiguously and the LL uses it to inspect their tenants' activities, check for overstaying guests, new, non-paying residents etc.
In your case, the LL would not be in a position to request you de-clutter had they not used the inspection clause to gain entry and see it. Discovery due to scheduled inspections is to be expected but ask yourself what is reasonable; quarterly, bi-monthly, monthly? Anything more frequent than rent collection days I would consider intrusive.