Benefit payments are only made on condition you comply with the requirements to get them. One of those is that you attend and meetings , assessments , interviews that they ask you to go for.
The law DOES NOT say you are entitled to just get money handed to you for ever without you doing anything in return.
The benefit system has got much tighter in recent months and it will get a lot tighter still. You can no longer get away with not complying with the conditions. I recently found myself with no money as my pension credit payment was stopped. In the end it turned out that it was because my private pension had changed by just 14p a week . But I still found myself with no money for a week and had to apply to a food bank.
If there is a food bank near you , you can get a letter of introduction from the CAB. You need to provide proof that your benefit has been stopped.
TTT by the way I have not seen a public drinking fountain for over 30 years!