You're seriously suggesting (on this or your previous thread) ...
* the authorities are vindictive against BF but tolerant of other extremists, to the extent where they halt "conferences" that are legal and arrest and charge people without grounds
* for its first ever foray into national politics, BF chose to run its deputy leader and then told people to vote for somebody else! And that's the reason that thousands voted for UKIP and only 56 for BF
* Facebook took BF's page down before and BF didn't deserve it
You simply don't answer the questions that are put to you. It's clear that, like many members of extremist organisations of all political persuasions, you're suffering a persecution complex:
Those who try to rationalize their persecution complexes often turn to political extremism, in particular, the sort that posits some secret or invisible "oppression" of some group of which the persecution complex sufferer is a part.
That makes it difficult to have a rational debate with you ...