Are you thinking of the utmost Good Faith term in insurance?
Insurance contracts are contracts of utmost good faith (uberrima fides), which means that both parties to the contract have a duty to disclose, clearly and accurately, all material facts relating to the proposed insurance. Any breach of this duty by the proposer may entitle the insurer to repudiate liability
If someone owns something dangerous then he is liable for any damage caused through his negligence, irrespective of whether you have made him aware or not.
I must confess that I have never come across a specific word to mean what you describe and I have a 1st class degree in law, albeit 20 years ago now. Perhaps you could give a concrete example of the situation you have in mind.
A fence type panel owned by the local council is obviously rotten and leaning. But it is being held up purely by brambles and such like. The path is heavily used by children for school and I am worried that it could fall on them, seriously injurying or worse.
Should this happen without the local government made aware then they are liable. Making them aware makes them liable to act on the state of panel. The word/terminology is this.