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Help With Police Caution

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KingOfQueens | 15:36 Fri 25th Sep 2015 | Law
6 Answers
Long story but as per a previous question of mine I was arrested and received a police caution for allegedly 'harassing' my ex.

Right question is today I had to message ex and there was a bank issue that I needed answers for. I sent 4 messages as bank kept phoning me for the missing info which was needed before a form was submitted. Ex never replied. I was stressed with the bank phoning me and ex not answering. Now I'm worried ex will go to the police and I'll be arrested again. what do you think will happen?


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There is one relevant defence available for criminal harassment i.e that in the particular circumstances the pursuit of the course of conduct was reasonable. So it is possible for the police to decide at an early stage the messages do not amount to criminal offending but being as the situation is aggravated by being domestic violence related and there is previous recent similar offending then id suggest a risk assessment would dictate a formal police investigation.

If the matter has been reported and police deal with you then as always, use a solicitor

If it is anything like the harassments I have been involved in, she'd be down there now

The issue is whether it was reasonable or even based in fact so as usual you need to collect and keep all the documents including the one that is partially filled in
and say if the Police call - you needed the information

I wouldnt text but resort to letter writing
and yes keep a copy

and no you are not the only person to have had allegations of harassment made so that it screws up a legal process
It doesnt of course but boy it draws the whole thing out

write,keep copies and keep a diary
start it now - you are gonna have to do it in the end

I would also explain to the bank what is going on
and yes not text or telephone but will perhaps a call and then a follow up letter

Just to illustrate with an extenant

Me are you gonna pay this CCJ ? [note I had already taken her to court]
T: if you speak to me again I will call the police
Me I think you had better do so
T what ?
Me you were told in court by the judge that asking for a repayment of a debt is not harassment

etc etc
Question Author
Thanks for the info. It's complicated. Ex made a payment to me but it came through twice. I returned the over payment but sent it to the wrong account so I'm trying to claim it back. The texts are me asking for further info so I can pass onto the bank so we can submit the claim form to retrieve the money.

I'm panicking ex will going to go the police and I'll be arrested again.

Oh and after the initial complaint. We've spoken, met and even talked about getting back together but of course ex won't say that to police and it just looks like I'm in the wrong.
sounz a mess
good luck
Question Author
It's very complicated Peter. Do you think the police will take any notice? As I said I was just asking for details for the bank so I could retrieve the money

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