It seems that very sensibly you are wondering if a wills settlement is gonna work or not
you will need specialist advice to redesign a work in progress
that is whether you are wondering whether to unwind something and settle it again. You have to remember that taxes may well not cancel each other out ( ha ! ) but in fact double
so if you unwind something and then distribute the assets - then you basically need to live 7 y to clear it ( except for the first 355k etc blah blah blah can I have £200/h to continue this advice and so on as money pours into lawyers' pockets )
and yes you are right some pinko MPs have taken advantage of trust and DoV to famously escape IHT which is after all called a voluntary tax. Miliband did so under Gregor's will and there are a few others one memorably who is fond of libel suits.
I took the money now/ more money later opti0n ( note no agreement ) having found I had screwed myself over the rules on serial giving ( you cant in short ) and having no chance of surviving 7 years
Serial giving - a PET of 100k to little johnnie in 2010 and another pet to same fella in 2013 counts for IHT purposes as one PET of £200 k starting at 2013 ( ignoring for principle purposes then 355k bit )
see here you have to scroll down a bit
] hooray found it again - been looking for this ref for yonks as no one seems to know the rules on serial giving ]