Divorce And House Insurance.... in The AnswerBank: Law
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Divorce And House Insurance....

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merton69 | 11:45 Thu 03rd Nov 2016 | Law
7 Answers
Hello All.

My wife has divorced me but I am staying at the home with the children.

We both agreed to still pay the mortgage 50/50 until it is all paid.

So the question is please, during this time, is she also expected to pay towards the house insurance, plus also towards the contents as she still has possessions at the marital home?

Surely she has to contribute towards the insurance if she wants half of the final sale?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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There is no should or shouldn’t, its all about negotiation and agreement. Can I suggest that you be honest with yourself and think about the following...
Is this a dealbreaker? overall is this worth arguing about?
What else is she paying for that maybe you are not....does it even out anywhere?
Is there any chance that you are getting
argh....something happened and it got submitted
3rd point is Is there any chance that you are getting upset/annoyed about this because you are feeling hurt and angry?
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Not feeling hurt or angry. Far far from it.

Just appears to be a little unfair that I should 'look after' the property paying insurance up until the property gets sold then she takes 50% of the sale?

And what if the house is burgled (or housefire) (both I really don't want) and her items are taken/wrecked. She will naturally want full compensation from the contents insurance that I am paying fully.

Please can you suggest what she is paying for that I am not?
I would expect her to pay her share of the buildings insurance because that asset is owned 50-50.
What proportion of the contents is hers? If it's just some clothes etc that she's left I'd not ask for any contribution. If half all the furniture etc is hers then I think it's reasonable that she should contribute to that cover.
Bear in mind that you can't just insure your half of it; if the contents are worth say £10000 and you insure for £5000 If ANYTHING is lost/stolen/damaged they will only pay you half its value.
I would have said that if the contents she owns is furniture then it should be you that insures it.

You have the benefit of use and are responsible for its upkeep and safety.

Actually you have the benefit of a whole house for half the mortgage and where it is right that she contribute to the wellbeing of her children via accommodation I think the general upkeep is down to the partner living in it.

That doesn't stop her contributing as and when something happens that would be about value but dtd stuff is you.

But not being a legal eagle I could be way off the mark.
if it is stuff that you are using then you should insure it. If it is her stuff that she is storing there, ask her to move it if she wont pay
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Thank you for all your contributions.

I agree that she should pay towards the property as she owns 50% of the property.

I also agree that if she doesn't want to pay towards the contents insurance then she removes all her possessions, eventhough (as it stands) it's only bits n pieces around the house. That way, I/the girls get more space and it's something less for me to be concerned about, especially as it is hers. We don't want to be reminded of the unfaithful Wife and Mother she was/is.


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