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Case Been Adjourned

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Reagansmum | 16:14 Wed 02nd May 2018 | Law
2 Answers
Today my son appeared in court charged with assault by beating, there where witnesses that said that he had thrown punches and a kick and didn't stop attacking, there was cctv which no one has seen apart from the police who have done a detailed report saying it was only 3 punches and a kick, the adjourned today as she wants to view the cctv and wants the prosecution and my sons solicitor to view it, can't see that a police officer viewing the cctv would lie just worried what will happen now


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An adjournment is normal under the circumstances. The case will start again when the defence & prosecution solicitors have had a chance to analyse the CCTV. Your sons solicitor will then advise him as to his best option. Depending on what the CCTV shows this could be to plead guilty or to go to trial. Remember there is an automatic 1/3rd reduction of the sentence in return for a guilty plea. The police will not lie. The CCTV will be available to view in court anyway ,so lying would just harm the case. He should be told how long the Adjournment is for.
with all the non disclosure cases
you cant see a police officer would ever lie....

er where do you live ?

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