So tonight I came into work to find a shift note from a colleague asking me to sign a finance document that I'd forgotten to sign on my last shift on the 18/8/18, her shift note was dated 21/8/18. So I proceeded to go into the locked cabinet in the presence of another colleague to sign the document only to find that the document has been signed with my signature but I never signed it! Underneath my signature was my managers signature and she dated the document 18/8/18. Now I'm a little unsure of what to do next? I hardly wanna go round laying the blame at people's door but I m so angry and upset someone has forged my signature!! Should I speak with the Police or The HR department? Surely this has to be investigated?
Report it to your manager, in writing and get a copy of the document. You need to protect your back in case this has happened before and someone is up to no good. You may find it was done stupidly by someone to save time but get the issue into the open domain.
Why would I report it to my manager when it looks like she is the culprit? Wouldn't I need to report this to security & risk management?Surely forging someone else signature is illegal?
Going through the process, you don't have evidence yet, it's only your word that it's not your signature. Copy your report of the issue to her boss and your union if you belong to one. It's illegal if done with intent to defraud but I am not sure if the act of itself is illegal. You need barmaid on this one. Might be worth an fao post as it would be appropriate.
I have some evidence! 1, the handwriting of her signature is consistent the handwriting that wrote my signature 2, the same colour ink was used also.. I've no idea why I'd tip her off about an illegal act she has committed.. she has access to my personel files including bank details etc.. I'm sick with worry
What Rowan said....keep copies of all documentation which is dodgy and inform 2 up manager...especially dealing with finance you need to keep yourself covered...if in union let it be on record there too
If they knew you were going to sign it anyway, and you’ve admitted you were, I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. OK, they were wrong to do it, but if your forgetting to sign it on the 18th could have led to losing an order (or something similar) then they didn’t have much choice. I’m not sure why you’re ‘worried sick’ either.
a colleague had a similar experience with serious consequences as the guilty party had invented names and had claimed many thousands of pounds in expenses...all with her endorsement..only it wasn't....
I don’t think this is the same situation. I used to forge my directors signature on documents all the time (with his consent) when it meant a delay to something. Didn’t mean I was ever going to do it without his consent.
with consent and knowledge is a very different matter..I would pp many documents relating to budgets and funding ..with permission..but always pp..never another's supposed signature
Why on earth why would I want someone to sign a document using my signature? Do you have people sign using you're signature often? I think not!! Whether malice was intended or not, no one should be forging anyone's signature with/out permission. Personally I hope she gets brought to book for it, as it may not have been the first time she has done it