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No Win No Fee.

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Theland | 15:32 Mon 27th Aug 2018 | Law
5 Answers
In a,"No Win No Fee," medical negligence case, roughly how much would the insurance policy to pay the defendants costs be in the event of losing the case?
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If you are referring to After the Event Insurance (ATE) the cost appears to be 20- 30% of the amount of cover taken out. Some more information here:-
I bet this is the Hip Case again
I think it depends on the details of the case

I think this is after-the-event (ATE) insurance and you can browse here

somewhere it says single fee 30% of the amount claimed
eek !

anyway in Hip Lady - the NHS has admitted liability - so they would be going to court on quantum alone, and so as usual she should be asking the solicitor she has hired - perhaps she has and just hasnt told you....
oh !
duplicated post

( bit like Hip Lady asking all and sundry when she well may know the answer anyway ...)
Question Author
No, not, "Hip Lady."
This is a 27 year old man who had Perthes disease from age 10. After several operations, he finally had a hip replacement in his late teens.
Some kind of nerve damage has left him in constant pain.
He has never even considered compensation for a poor surgical outcome.
His life is ruined.
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