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Riders Of Horses:

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Ray777 | 14:09 Sun 24th Feb 2019 | Law
52 Answers
Horse dung on roads is not illegal but when a rider of a horse passes the front windows or a front door of a neighbour's road-side home especially when windows are open on a hot summer's day surely there should be some thought by the rider to "gee-up" their horse to an area between houses and in rural areas this indeed can be done.
The amended Anti-Social Behaviour Act gives more power to the police but it also is amended to improve Neighbourly Behaviour and if an horse rider passing certain homes regular for their horse to do toileting outside these homes then the rider is actually annoying people and that behaviour is Ant-Social and in breach of the new ASB Act.
Please riders have some consideration for human environment and their habitation.


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The law has changed regarding horses entering the food chain.
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Alsome, if you care to read woofgangs link, doesn't say horse meat can't enter human food chain, just limits drugs that can be administered to horses while they are alive.
Not illegal to purchase in U.K. either, just doubtful you will find it in your local supermarket.
What a load of old pony.
I live in the countryside, and on a road which has lots of horses going along. They poop when they need to. I really don’t know how a rider is meant to make it trot along at the appropriate time.

Also, I’ve never seen a load of flies around it, or anyone with it stuck to their shoes.
The ultimate fate of horses is irrelevant to this thread. I've never before heard anyone complain about horse dung on the road - the OP must have a very big axe to grind.
There does seem to be more ranters than ravers on AB these days....

What did people do when there was only horse-drawn transport? I'm just, like, askin'. Yer know?
^^^^^^ Don't know about him having and axe, but he ought to have a shovel.
Horses couldnt move comfortably with this between their legs.
Your lucky to get manure free. We sell full bin bags for £5
10Clarion - there were many people employed as 'crossing sweepers' solely to clean up after the hundreds of horses that were on the road. Maybe Ray would like to see their return.
Thanks GG. I think there is more derogatory term for it now: S... Shifters.
....or S*** Shovellers :)
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Correct TonyV, also it is to do with this country not overseas where horses meat is still eaten by humans in some countries.
It's a delicacy in Italy. And they'll rip you off for it big time. But don't try and complain cos you'll be floggin' a dead 'orse.

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