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Compensation From Landlord

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Theland | 18:53 Tue 09th Apr 2019 | Law
39 Answers
Do I have a case to claim compensation from my former landlord, for failure to maintain their property, thereby subjecting us to living in damp mould infested conditions that affected my health, finally putting me in hospital?
Would a "No Win No Fee," solicitor take this on?


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Shelter in the link in the first reply will advise if you should proceed, they deal with such matters all the time.
19:30 Wed 10th Apr 2019
-- answer removed --
foo! that is what I say - mainstream AB here

//Money won't cure his health issues though, will it ... and that's what he's complaining about.//

erm no you go to Hospital for health issues
and the courts for - - money
that is what they are all about - = damages.

I am pretty sure he has to bring the case in a branch called delapidation which has a theme of negligence in it, in which case causation is impt
( yeah yeah I know technical but this is law)
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How dare a pleb feel entitled to compensation!
Yes leave the poor misunderstood landlord alone.
Shelter in the link in the first reply will advise if you should proceed, they deal with such matters all the time.
// How dare a pleb feel entitled to compensation!
Yes leave the poor misunderstood landlord alone. //

er well this may be the pleb entitlement thread
I thought it was law ...

and you are quitw naturally thinking - "now how can I get the moolah I am entitled to ? and more !"

and my answer is that if you do it froo the law then you will have to go thro a door marked 'negligence'. and that there is a little hitch called causation. I may be wrong but if you read the rest of the posts then it is the only one on offer (besides the usual pious sentiments of course)

your landlord is, or should be insured - in this case the house / bldgs insurance .
Theland, I don’t know if your ex-landlord is poor – or misunderstood – but this won’t be investigated without any medical condition resulting from, or exacerbated by, your chosen lifestyle being considered. Doubtless your health record will be examined, but if you think you can successfully refute your history, go ahead. Try it. You might make a few bob – but then again you might not.
I would have thought if you were claiming compensation from the landlord you will have to prove that you have done everything in your means to limit the damp - ie not drying clothes indoors, keeping air circulating etc, also be aware that you medical records and personal history will be looked into and nothing will be personal.
Your flogging a dead horse Theland. Don’t give yourself the stress. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.
My sister lived in a damp council flat. The doctor actually came out after her son got yet another chest infection. He wrote to the council.
I'm sure I read previously that Theland's landlord was the Church of England.
Really Tilly?
I'm sort of sure, RR. :-)
Wow that has shocked me given how Theland has gone on record many times to say he dislikes the CoE and the clergy
Thanks Tilly - interesting
You're welcome.
A flat next door to me was riddled with mould and the tenant was always sick. He complained to his landlord constantly. The only remedial action they took was to wash off the surface mould and stick a layer of paint over any stains but the mould quickly returned because they left spores behind. The gas heater in the living room was the only heating source provided and that did not work and had not been safety inspected for years. The damp was caused by condensation but what could he do, sit in a freezing cold flat in winter with the windows open? The damp also damaged the wiring and blew up his computer. Even his furniture was mouldy. I advised him to complain to the local council after doing some research for him but he was scared of being evicted. Only when he moved out did the landlord properly sort out the problems. Good luck in pursuing your claim. It is high time landlords like that were made to pay for the suffering they cause.

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