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Provisional Driving Licence

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Luzzly | 14:12 Thu 09th Jan 2020 | Law
8 Answers
If I'm filling a form for my provisional, and send my passport and birth certificate, do I need anything else as proof of who I am. Thanks


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What does it say on the "Notes for Guidance"?

I'll give you a clue: unless you are in Northern Ireland, if you have a valid UK passport you don't actually need to send in anything.
Long time since I applied for provisional driving licences. Does it not have a 'Guidance' page to tell you what attachments are required with the form?
If you do it online you don't need to send anything away as long as you know your National Insurance Number and maybe some details that can be found on your passport as well as the addresses you've lived at in the past 3 years.

You can pay by card online. The charge is £34
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Thanks folks. I'm not doing it online. I'm filling in the form, and it's not totally clear (at least to me!) if (apart from filling in the passport number) I need to send passport, birth certificate and another form of ID. I'm not usually this thick - but who knows - maybe I am!!
Why don't you do it online? The process is so much more efficient and straight forward.
It costs more to apply via post.

"You’ll also need to include:

-an identity document unless you have a valid UK biometric passport
-a colour passport-style photograph
You must send original documents."
There is some brilliant info in the link that Mamyalynne kindly provided in the first answer.

Go on to the link, scroll down to "Other ways to apply" and this will giver you all the information regarding a postal application.

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Provisional Driving Licence

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