Asking for a friend .... she is owed several thousand pounds for a cruise which was cancelled due to Covid. The cruise company have been dragging their feet, but my friend has been fighting for her money every step of the way .... and it has been going on for months. She told me that the cruise provider has just been issued with a county court order on her behalf, but she has heard nothing more from either party. Does anyone know what the next step,would be, as my friend doesn’t really know what’s happening with her claim.
She also booked a stay in a hotel in the Home Counties for a sort break, but had to cancel it because her friend had a hospital appointment. She has cancellation insurance, but the hotel are dragging their feet about refunding her the deposit for 4 guests. Any idea, folks, how she can expedite her refund?
send in the bailiffs by following this
OR wait the right amount of time ( 4 wks I think) and send in the sheriffs as on teevee - - this last is terribly disruptive
PP have you had cause to complain about Tiger sheds as I notice it is the link you put on for TrustPilot. I know I have. Sorry it's not about the thread chokkie
Am not sure your freinds entitled to the deposit back on the other. Was cancelation insurance with the hotel or seperate? Depend's on the wording. Good luck
Many thanks folks, appreciate all the advice, and will pass it on to my friend. For some reason, I believe she paid for the cruise, direct with the cruise provider by debit card (surprised at her really!). As far as I know she paid for the Home counties hotel, directly with the hotel. Thanks so much, everyone! Cheers, Chox.
erm yes shedman
very early on - and my post on it was cancelled by crazed moderators - nothing like that here! some humourless mod quipped.
In short I cancelled for non performance and they said you cant (so I DID cancellation letters etc) and then 12 w later I was asked when I wanted delivery of the item. And we started the ya-ya of no shed and they were keeping the money all of it.
they didnt,
odd things - the credit card option didnt work so I had to pay debit.
I started proceedings and withdrew ONLY when the moolah was back in my bank - yes it got that bad.
it was the days of faxes and I cdnt resist sending insulting faxes to their open office ( when I got cheered on see above)
unless the cancellation covered the situation you describe, (which seems incredibly unlikely to me) the second one is probably a write off.
did she do money claim online for the first one?
//She also booked a stay in a hotel in the Home Counties for a sort break, but had to cancel it because her friend had a hospital appointment. She has cancellation insurance, but the hotel are dragging their feet about refunding her the deposit for 4 guests.//
She (or perhaps you) must look at the hotel's terms & conditions. They vary enormously and some will provide a refund up to x days before the booked date.
the only time I got a deposit back
was when I booked for four
and two ( inc me ) turned up with a plausible excuse
and they knocked the deposit off the bill !
I was in hospital once when I should have been on holiday with 3 other people I got my flight refunded via my travel insurance, but not my portion of the accommodation, the insurance companies position being that the rest of the could still use the accom.