Gromit, //It’s pathetic asking for your own thread to be closed because you didn’t like the replies.//
See 10.24 here.
/The only reason this enquiry is going ahead and moreover the only reason this cowboy 'committee' has bent the rules to ensure that 'intention' isn't considered, is to remove Boris from public life altogether. Not enough to remove him as PM - they want him out of parliament because his strength and determination scares the hell of out them./
Lol, still maintaining that detachment from reality.
He was removed for perpetually lying to public and colleagues alike.
They’re not scared, they know that his style of politics is toxic.
He’s a proven liar with major issues over truth and transparency.
He’s living proof that narcissism, a sense of entitlement and a belief that he is beyond reproach and accountable to no one is not what democracy is about, so try and desist from the lies and fabrication you’re making up about him.
He was removed by his own, they’d had enough of the charade.
He’s not fit for public service of any description .