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Flying A Drone Near A Trunk Road

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danchip | 11:09 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Law
4 Answers

Could anyone point me in the right direction for rules and regs on flying a drone near a trunk road?



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Ftom tbe Civil Aviation Authority

"4. Do not fly closer to people than 50m

This includes people in buildings and transport, including cars, lorries, trains, and boats.

You must keep a minimum horizontal distance of 50m between your drone or model aircraft and people. This creates a no fly zone around people that goes all the way up to the legal height limit. It can help to think of this no fly zone as a cylinder.

You must not fly over people in this no fly zone, even if you fly higher than 50m."

That's a lot of miles !

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Flying A Drone Near A Trunk Road

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