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Strictly Private And Confidential Letter

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DDIL | 11:16 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Law
8 Answers

Good morning,

If I receive a letter from a firm of solicitors advicing that it is 'strictly private and confidential' does that mean it is for me only or does that mean that I cannot disclose the contents to others (including social media)

Thank you



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As this is in Law is it possible to treat it with respect and provide sensible responses?

Unless there is a legal reason to not disclose (eg a court order or Official Secrets Act or an agreement or the correspondence concerns a protected party) then I do not see that disclosure can be prevented.

Context and circumstances are everything in determining the wisdom of such disclosure.  

P&C is for your eyes only. What you do with the information is up to you, unless there is a confidentiality clause that in certain cases you have to sign in order to agree a way forward. 

Question Author

Thank you for the responses.

My friend is raising an issue with the council regarding how her leaseholder is charging her and other leaseholders management fees  to cover his failing businesses.

His solicitiors have sent her a letter with 'information' in and threatening her if she continues to raise it on social media


The terms of the lease may include a p&c clause.

Question Author

Thank you I will get her to check

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Strictly Private And Confidential Letter

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