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I Have Problems With Amazon Who Won't Help Me

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wiltsman | 19:31 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Law
3 Answers

In June I purchased a tyre inflator from the Amazon website at a cost of £22.99.

Yesterday, I found the inflator no longer worked when I went to check my tyres.

I went back online to the Amazon website to inform them of my situation and managed to get this response from their online messaging assistant:

'Unfortunately, this seller has left the platform and can no longer receive messages' ... It did sympathetically add, 'Sorry for the inconvenience'.

➡➡➡  What can I do to get my money back?  ⬅⬅⬅




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The same situation happened with a friend and he received a full refund from Amazon (the seller turned out to be a scammer) 

If an Amazon seller leaves the platform and a customer's item is defective, or damaged, Amazon's A-to-z Guarantee may cover the order.The A-to-z Guarantee applies to most orders placed with a Marketplace seller if the seller does not respond 


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Thank you Clementine for the useful information. I'll see if I can contact a real person to help me.

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I Have Problems With Amazon Who Won't Help Me

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