Uk Aid To Syria in The AnswerBank: News
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Uk Aid To Syria

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naomi24 | 09:16 Thu 12th Dec 2024 | News
17 Answers

I just read that our government is giving £11 million to Syria.  Who is it sending 'the cheque' to?

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I imagine it will be to the leader of a currently proscribed terrorist organisation which took control of that country by force.

Maybe to Bashar al-Assad c/o the Kremlin, Russia ?

is it money or is it £11 million "worth" of aid supplies?

link? Hopefully it wont be money but aid or supplies.


'The trouble with Socialism, is that you eventually run out of other people's money!'

Now who said that?

Question Author

Sorry, I was on my phone when I posted this so no link from that.  Desktop now.




Whatever form the aid takes it still £11 million we've spent on Syria - and that's just the latest we've given.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord. They've managed to find some money from somewhere despite the enormous £22bn black hole!

It's a miracle. 

perhaps it'll pay for some of their pensioners air con.

curliefries, they have been finding money to give to other countries for "Aid" ever since they came into power black hole or not.  They even give it to countries like India who have a space program.  It's just us brits they don't like.

only in Britain would we elect an anti British government !

that girl we kicked out - Shammy Bah-Gum......

Oh you can bet your bottom dollar Two-Tier-Free-Gear is moving heaven and earth in the background to get her British Citizenship reinstated, DTCwordfan.

Rumour has it he helped a Rwandan stay here once and look where that led... 

Yep you can bet Osam Bin Starmer will be importing that petit vache before long.

Of course this anti semetic Government will hand cash to those who despise Israel.  Did youy really expect any different?

I suspect the terrorist lovers on here will be delighted.

The mainstream media refers to the jihadis as ‘moderate rebels’ when they are neither moderate nor rebels. These militants want a theocratic country ruled by sharia law. When the terrorist group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (Organisation for the Liberation of the Levant; HTS) launched their attack on the Aleppo Governorate in north-western Syria, they captured and killed dozens of Syrian Army soldiers, and promised mass executions and beheadings in front of TV cameras.  Videos of jihadists abducting Kurdish women have surfaced on social media.

While we can be glad that Assad has fallen, we should not forget HTS is a jihadist group with origins in Al Qaeda and ISIS, including the remnants of the group led by the late Abu Musab al Zarqawi, a Palestinian Jordanian known as the ‘sheikh of the slaughterers’. These are no democracy-loving liberals: wherever they have had authority, they have inflicted abuse. We should be under no illusion that everything in Syria is going to be transformed for the good, that freedom of speech and action will be established. HTS aim to establish a theocracy. The situation if anything is going to be worse for all of Syria’s citizens and especially for the minorities: Alawites, Kurds and Christians.

how many of us had even heard of HTS before the start of this month? i hadn't. 

the leader has made all sorts of promises... some which involve attacking jerusalem and some which involve protecting syrian minorities and setting up a free market economy. 

we'll just have to see which ones he keeps and which ones he breaks. there doesn't seem to be much good information about them save that they are anti-iranian (because shiism) and are mortal enemies of hezbollah presumably for the same reason. 

Money to aid the destruction of Christianity ? - I put nothing past this appalling government;


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