Film, Media & TV6 mins ago
The Death Sentence
18 Answers
In light of the new relevations regarding arrested (potential) terrorists - should we bring back the death sentence for this crime??
Or, does this count as high treason (which I was once told was punishable by death).
Wikipedia states that high treason (quote) is an action which is grossly disloyal to one's country or sovereign.
I say bring it back and make the disloyal few pay the consequences. I'm expecting people to tear my argument to pieces so please do and enlighten this poor fool.
Or, does this count as high treason (which I was once told was punishable by death).
Wikipedia states that high treason (quote) is an action which is grossly disloyal to one's country or sovereign.
I say bring it back and make the disloyal few pay the consequences. I'm expecting people to tear my argument to pieces so please do and enlighten this poor fool.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.i know this might seem an odd point of veiw ask the victims family to decide, even though some peoples family members have been killed they would rather them rot in jail than get the death penalty as this would seem to them an easy way out, on the other had some victims family would welcome the death penilty, so isay let them choose the punishment
To be honest I agree with the death sentence as punishment for any deliberate murder actioned with 'malice aforethought' but I do not agree with any death sentence for terrorists because it turns them into martyrs for the cause. Far sooner that they are jailed for the rest of their natural lives and only ever leave jail eventually in a coffin.
The British Goverment will NEVER allow the trial and execution of anyone ever again. You could ****** the Queen in the Houses of Parliament, with a burning Bible in your hands and holding the still-beating black heart of John Prescott and they would not send you to your death. They may be a bunch of lying, deceitful and dishonest jumped-up double-crossing scumbags...but you really think allowing the execution of terrorists is a "good" idea and is the best way to deal with an allready fragile situation?
"It worked back in the good old days (like the 18th century)"
A bit like the burning of 9 year old girls at the stake on suspicion of being witches? Are you in favour of that aswell?....I mean, it was the "good old days" wasn't it?
"It worked back in the good old days (like the 18th century)"
A bit like the burning of 9 year old girls at the stake on suspicion of being witches? Are you in favour of that aswell?....I mean, it was the "good old days" wasn't it?
I've been harbouring your idea of "18th Cenury" punishments for along time, and think it's an excellent idea. For those convicted of violent crimes, a certain number of lashes with the birch would be a good detterent. I also think the stocks should be brought back, especially good for things like fraud, muggings etc, where the perpetrator could be seen to be shamed. I believe if there were more shaming, it would act as a massive deterrent, and so much cheaper than prisons.
Also, people complain nowadays about the drugs problem in prisons. Simple. If there is a drugs problem, ban visitors. Or only let them visit and see the prsioner through a perspex screen, like in america.
Boot camps in prisons are another thing I'd like to see. More of a DETERRENT!
Also, people complain nowadays about the drugs problem in prisons. Simple. If there is a drugs problem, ban visitors. Or only let them visit and see the prsioner through a perspex screen, like in america.
Boot camps in prisons are another thing I'd like to see. More of a DETERRENT!
People get framed for murders they didn't commit. Sometimes people confess to doing things they didn't do. I used to think the death penalty should be here because it would stop a lot of people and i'm sure it would BUT inevitably there would be innocent people who would die because of it.
People argue about having PROOF, DNA and so on... The person who handles the proof could switch things around. There's a lot of things like this which are overlooked by people.
People argue about having PROOF, DNA and so on... The person who handles the proof could switch things around. There's a lot of things like this which are overlooked by people.
yeah, afraid there are no crimes punishable by death in this country any more. Treason and Piracy were removed. Pedantically, you could have been hung for defacing a 1p piece because it's an image of the queen, but any civilised society should not kill it's citizen's.
I'm quite up for torturing people, (for things like terrorism or kiddy fiddling) but murder in the name of law and order seems a bit of a hypocritical move to me.
I'm quite up for torturing people, (for things like terrorism or kiddy fiddling) but murder in the name of law and order seems a bit of a hypocritical move to me.
I think they should bring it back but also have a death row just incase they are innocent and they need time to find out. Life should mean life not just 3 years for good behaviour and then go and murder someone else.
I recently went to Greece and they could leave shops open with tills on view and no camera's while they went on a tea break, for the simple reason that if anyone stole anything they's get there hands chopped off or they'd be shot. Here you need camera's watching your every step chip and bloody pin etc etc. it's like England is becoming Big Brother and all because of the stupid b*******s that cant keep there hands to themselves. Rant over but yes bring back bloody hanging etc it would soon make eople think about there actions a lot more than it does now. Britain is too bloody soft!!!
I recently went to Greece and they could leave shops open with tills on view and no camera's while they went on a tea break, for the simple reason that if anyone stole anything they's get there hands chopped off or they'd be shot. Here you need camera's watching your every step chip and bloody pin etc etc. it's like England is becoming Big Brother and all because of the stupid b*******s that cant keep there hands to themselves. Rant over but yes bring back bloody hanging etc it would soon make eople think about there actions a lot more than it does now. Britain is too bloody soft!!!
I have been, in the past a staunch supporter of the death penalty but I am currently undecided.
I dont feel that the death penalty is the answer to all of this countries problems. We should first stand firm to ALL criminals not just speeding motorists and Murderers.(A large gap).
A previous poster mentioned that life should mean life and if for instance a speeding motorist kills someone then a harsher penalty should be imposed rather than a 6 month easy sentance.
Repeat offences should be dealt with harshly and the namby pamby human rights and civil liberties 'mob' should take a look at the victims for a change rather than making the criminals lives easier.
steps off his soap box
I dont feel that the death penalty is the answer to all of this countries problems. We should first stand firm to ALL criminals not just speeding motorists and Murderers.(A large gap).
A previous poster mentioned that life should mean life and if for instance a speeding motorist kills someone then a harsher penalty should be imposed rather than a 6 month easy sentance.
Repeat offences should be dealt with harshly and the namby pamby human rights and civil liberties 'mob' should take a look at the victims for a change rather than making the criminals lives easier.
steps off his soap box
This is all academic. Unless Britain repeals the 1998 Human Rights Act and withdraws from European Convention on Human Rights, the death penalty will not be reinstated in the United Kingdom. This is true even if all the population and all the MPs wanted its restitution. The first question should be "do we want to restore this country's ability to determine its own laws and punishments?"
Why don't you all just hold on a second there? I think at this stage we need to bear in mind that these people have only been arrested on suspicion of terrorism - they haven't been tried or convicted...maybe we should reserve our judgements till they are.
I'm not saying they're all innocent or that they are, just saying we need to wait and see.
I'm not saying they're all innocent or that they are, just saying we need to wait and see.
Killing someone who is willing to be a suicide bomber seems pretty pointless to me. I would like to (with my own hands) kill all the perverts in the world but in all honestly I don't agree with the death pentatly.
If we did bring it back - Perverts and the like would probably not be put to death because they can be rehabilatated (yeah right!) and innocent people like the Birmingham six would have been executed - I don't think I have much faith in our system at all!
If we did bring it back - Perverts and the like would probably not be put to death because they can be rehabilatated (yeah right!) and innocent people like the Birmingham six would have been executed - I don't think I have much faith in our system at all!
I agree the death penalty should be brought back for anyone who messes with kids, why should the tax payer have to foot the bill to keep them?
As for terrorists,i don't think it should be used for them, It seems these days that if you look a bit like an arab or indian you are automaticly a terrorist, like that poor guy who got shot getting on a tube, can you imagine all the inocent people being put to death just cause the british police force are a bunch of idiots.
As for terrorists,i don't think it should be used for them, It seems these days that if you look a bit like an arab or indian you are automaticly a terrorist, like that poor guy who got shot getting on a tube, can you imagine all the inocent people being put to death just cause the british police force are a bunch of idiots.