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dooley | 17:07 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Law
6 Answers
hi my sister in law has just discovered that her ex partner has obtained several credit cards in her name, running up debts of around 40 grand. She has always had good credit and is panicking, talking about going bankrupt etc because the police are saying that because he forged her signature they cannot prove anything but he has apparently done this before to his ex wife. She is very embarrased about the whole thing and doesnt know what to do - has anyone any advice please?


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At what point did she go to the police? When the card arrived, when she got the statement, when the credit card company rang her dozens of times to ask for payment? When the cads came a woman would have to speak to the credit card company to activate the card, who was that? Does he have a current partner who would be willind to commit that criminal act? What address has he used to fill in the applications? It has to be the one she is at on the elctoral role or they would not have been authorised. How did he get a pin number for the card it would have to be sent to her at her current address too.
Dot doesn't believe your sister in law - and neither do I.
I don't know whether to believe her either, but these things can be done by criminals perpetrating identity theft. The following assumes she can be believed.

If the police really did say they can't prove anything because he forged her signature then they seem to be saying they accept it was forged. If they do accept that, it is a criminal offence and they should be pressured to prosecute. If they are unsure, it seems likely a handwriting expert might be able to confirm whether the signatures are forgeries. If this is accepted then, whether or not the police prosecute, the lenders should cease chasing her for the debt.

Also a note should be put on all her Credit Ref. Agency files to warn potential lenders in case he tries to do the same again.
Just because it is her ex partner has no bearing on anything unless they believe that your sister in law colluded in this. It is no different than any other crime and would be treated as such by the police and the credit card company. I think that if someone forged my signature and ran up debts of 40 grand embarrassed would not be the word I would be expressing.
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Hi thanks for your comments, we are wondering ourselves if there is more to this situation than meets the eye - when my hubby first told me I thought it seemed strange and now he is feeling the same way. I think we shall have to see what progresses before we get ourselves involved. Again thanks for your comments guys
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