My children go to a nursery which is situated in the grounds of a sixth form college, but the nursery is not connected to the college in any way. There is a small driveway which connects the college car park to the nursery carpark. Recently, the college has had two small metal posts erected and padlock a chain across the driveway (between 7.30 and 16.30) preventing access to the nursery carpark. This not only prevents parents from parking near the nursery, but would prevent emergency vehicles from getting close to the nursery. There is some sort of dispute regarding planning permission form this short driveway, but surely blocking access to the building is a bit harsh? Where do the college and nursery stand legally on this?
i would hae thought ts up to the nursery to pursue it, not you. If you arent happy with the fire procedures at the nursery, you should look for another one in my opinion
I don't see why I should move my children from the nursery because of the actions of the college.
I have now informed the local fire brigade of the situation,THAIBUS, good idea.