i dealt with bank complaints (www.unfairbankcharge.co.uk) and had just over �5000 from my bank in just over 2 weeks, i would recommend them to anyone. as for licit legal ltd they should be on watch dog! my friend and sister in law signed up online to bank complaints and some how through an insider licit legal ltd got there details sending them letters and emails requesting �15 to obtain statements and hounding them with phone calls, they where nothing to do with bank complaints who they had opted to go with and i had used. bank complaints have now been informed and dealing with this matter, but be very wary of them. bank complaints charge nothing except the 25% of whatever you win. no statement fees and no �80 charge. they wrote bank to tell me they got my bank details and it was being dealt with straight away, a week later the bank made me an offer of �2500 and i was advised that day by phone that i was not to accept the offer bank complaints had reviewed the statement over 6 yrs the bank had sent them with the offer and i should be offered double, so i did nothing and left it to them to issue the bank court papers, the following week i had �4943 paid into my bank along with �120 extra for the issuing of court papers. bank complaint wrote the next day saying the bank had backed down and i paid them 25% (�1355.00) plus the �120 court fees that bank complaints paid out for me and if i had lost i didnt have to pay back.
from what i have seen and heard of licit legal ltd STAY WELL AWAY!!!!