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ccj removal

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encee | 17:41 Sat 03rd Mar 2007 | Law
1 Answers
a friend of mine as asked me this question.she is paying to have a ccj removed will this mean that credit history will be removed.


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CCJs can only validly be removed if there is good reason to do so. If she is paying someone, she may well be subject to a scam or a suggestion that she says she knew nothing about the Court application. If untrue, this is an offence and she would probably be worse off if she was found out. Also, it is unlikely to work to get the CCJ removed as she would also have to show that - if the case was re-heard (which is what would happen - the outcome would most likely be different.

It is, of course, entirely different if she has good cause to consider that the CCJ should not have been imposed - for example if she has convincing evidence that she did not owe the debt.

If the CCJ is removed - and not re-imposed later - then it will be removed from CRA files.

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