Criminal Injuries Compensation in The AnswerBank: Law
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Criminal Injuries Compensation

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Shazza36 | 16:06 Mon 05th Mar 2007 | Law
4 Answers
Just wondering about making a claim on behalf of my 16 year old son- is it a long drawn out process and do they have stringent criteria to use. The person(I use that term loosely) that attacked him pleaded guilty and my son suffered concussion, short term memory loss, bruising and grazing, would these injuries be enough to make a claim or warrant a payout??Thanks
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This is the Criminal Injuries site

http://email.about.com/od/hotmailtips/qt/et072 804.htm

Read through this. It gives details of awards payable for different injuries.

When you total up the awards they generally only make a payment if the total of awards for the different injuries exceeds �1000

At the end of the day i would advise you to fill in the form and see what happens , they can only refuse.

Claims are usually refused if the injured party was partly to blame or did not cooperate with a police investigation,but this would not apply in your case.
Sorry forget that link I gave.The correct one is below

The CICA site is

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Thanks for that I've had a look and may as well fill in the form, my son was attacked for no reason and co-operated fully with the police at the cost of replacing smashed car windscreens, slashed tyres and spray painted bonnets.
Definitely go for it - I only know of claims being refused where the CICA decide that a victim hasn't co-operated with the Police in their investigation, so I don't think he'll have any problem there. If you get a bit stuck, you may be able to get Public Funding (Legal Help) for a Solicitor to deal with the forms for you. (or of course, you can download the form, fill it in and come on here if you get a bit stuck).

I'd go for it though. Good luck x

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