Child Support Agency in The AnswerBank: Law
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Child Support Agency

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Luikki | 13:35 Mon 07th May 2007 | Law
6 Answers
I have this week been contacted by the Child Support Agency, saying I have to pay �780 in 7 days or they will send a debt collector. I have never been contacted by then before, and left my marriage 13 years ago. I have no idea how they have assessed this figure. I was declared bankrupt earlier this year and have no way of paying this money, can they make me pay after all this time
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You do not say if you have been making payment up until this point or not.... a little more information would be helpful.
yes they can
if you have not paid maintanance why?
if i was you i would ring them up. and explain your situation..
oh and by the way bankrupts still have to pay maintanance my ex tried that one!
they are your kids as well and if your ex is on income support then it is us subsidising her when it should be you!
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I have never had correspondence from them in the past, the �780 appears to relate to a period in 1996. My ex has never claimed income support he ran his own company until emigrating this year. Equally I never received child support from him during the 2 years I had the children myself.

I still have my youngest with me now, and receive no support or claim any benefits myself
ring them up it is the only way to clear it up!
they wont have any detailed records from so long ago..
explain your situation and they should be able to help i dont use them anymore they are awfull!
I would have thought that as you have one of your children with you the child support would be equal...ie no money owed by you?
under the limitations act 1980 ( I think) you are not liable for a debt over 6 years old, if you have not made any payment in respect of that debt and if you have not been in contact with the CSA over the past 6 years. I've currently got a similar issue with my husband's ex wife who has had the money and told the csa she hasn't.
Don't ring, write as they won't do anything off a phone call. Advise them that you are not accepting liabilty and quote the relevant act

It appears the csa are now chasing all old debts to get in some revenue. So absent parents beware!

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