The Police can't win. The public moan when they take ages to attend their incident and claim it's not fair, like a jealous sibling, just because they're allowed a limited number of exemptions when driving.
racing to an incident is fine but if you read it correctly you will notice that only 1/4 were on blues. and as you know on blues is the only time when they are allowed to ignor the speed and traffic light laws.
Actually that's a bit af a falicy... a properly trained driver who is performing a duty as an Emergency Service has the exemption in law.
Also, the blue light is off more than it's on even when switched on.
Please remember this is a Daily Mail article.
Trust me... the powers that be will not take the side of the officer if there's any doubt as to whether they were on a call - and almost all incidents are logged.
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Should the police have to stand by there on laws ?