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smoking ban

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suna | 18:54 Sun 01st Jul 2007 | Law
7 Answers
can i still smoke on the street tho


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If you really must!!!!
If i am within 50 feet of you, no
At the moment yes.

Pity the Govt can't spend as much time and effort on:

Teenage yobs causing havoc
The drug dealers I openly see dealing at traffic lights when the traffic has stopped
Sex education
etc etc

You can't smoke anywhere but we still want all the tax from it. Sounds about right.
well they have to start somewhere rev
Gina I smoke, and am consideraste with it, so why not have smoke rooms in pubs clubs where people can smoke?

They want all the venue from it but don't want you to do it! I know everyone says they wouldn't mind but I bet they would moan if fags were banned and income tax shot up.

Alcoholics and alcohol related illnesses and fatties cost the NHS more than smokers.

Do smokers create havoc in centre centres every weekend? How much does all that extra policing cost?

I need a lie down lol

ive been into a few places that allow you to smoke in another room but you can still smell it when you are away from teh place, its a filthy disgusting habit and i for one would be willing to pay more tax if smoking was banned completely. i hate it with a vengence

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