my neighbour has glued some sharp spikes to the top her fence to stop my cats walking on it to get in my garden. Is she allowed to do this ( it is her fence ) thanks caron
Law says that a landowner cannot booby trap property to deter invaders .ie cats dogs. If you google (is it illegal to put wire on fences) and scroll down you will get info there hope this helps.
I read, some time ago, about a son who put broken glass on top of his mother's fence because her house had been burgled three times in as many months. They made him take it off as it 'may hurt someone trying to break into the house'! So, no, I don't think she is allowed to do this.
Your neighbour could buy some of those rubber fence spikes which are ofen sold in the Sunday supplement magazines. Thes spikes would not harm your cat, but would make it extremely difficult for your cat to walk on.
look hereFence Spikes can make an effective deterant. The sharp and tough plastic cones on these strips deter animals such as cats from entering your garden and they ...