Mickeybroad isn't entirely right I'm afraid. JSA (Contributory) is paid to those who have worked and paid NI contributions in the last two tax years, there is another form of JSA called income Based which is means tested. if you have paid enough contributions then you get JSA (C) if not then you can be considered for JSA (IB) but if your partner works over a certain amount of hours then you won't get it. Also, getting WTC or CTC doesn't automatically entitle you to HB and CTB - only if you get over a certain amount of money, and �21 is unlikely to be enough. There's a self assessment tool on this link -
http://www.taxcredits.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/qua lify/WhatAreTaxCredits.aspx
You can put in her details and it will show you the amount she's entitled to.
However, Mickeybroad is spot on about the personal stuff - have been there too and it's much better being out of it. But only she can make that decision.