does anyone know if theres a law which states "if your day off in the week coincides with a public holiday are you entitled to another day off in the week in lieu.? eg. your day off is weds but its also boxing day so you lose out. many thanks . ian.
Well I don't know if there's a law on it but I work for NHS on Mon and Tues and I get paid for bank holidays on a pro rata basis and my full time collegues get paid for all of theirs. As far as I'm aware most companies close on bank holidays and it is an extra paid days holiday
That's because the NHS decided it will work that way for their staff. There's no obligation on your employer to give you another day if it does not say so within the conditions of your employment.
You might not lose out. If your colleagues (who normally work on Wednesdays) are given paid leave on Boxing Day, this can form part of their annual holiday allowance. Although they'll get paid on Boxing Day, they'll have one less day of holiday left to take than you will. So it should still balance out equitably. es/WorkingHoursAndTimeOff/DG_10029788