My relationship is on the rocks and i'm on the verge of ending it. My partner (NOT husband) has got himself into �9,000 of debt and my concern is that because he's from S'Africa he could leave the country and I'd be responsible for the debt as his last address. I can't be the only one in this situation. Help, I'm worrying myself to death!
Hi Miffy - you'd possibly get a better class of answer in Law, but I'm not sure you have anything to worry about unless the debt's are also in your name. Further, any attachment to you due to your address can easily be overcome by having Equifax or their counterparts add a note to your credit history should you ever find you're refused credit due to this.
I can't see how you would be responsible for his debts as they are his, not yours.
Unless of course your name is also on loan agreements? I think the only adverse effect this would have on you is the fact that the debt is linked to your address and could affect your credit rating.
Have you tried putting this Q in law or buisness and finance? better legal eagles there! :o)
I would go to CAB and see where you stand. It's as good as free legal advice. If your relationship is on the rocks, surely you would be better off ending it now and getting rid of all traces of him before he ups and leaves. You could also contact the loans people and make it clear to them that you are concerned. If it is his name on the loan they will be after him, not you. If your name is on it then you are liable.
Thanks Scarlett I hadn't thought of CAB. I asked this question in law and as my name isn't on the loan I'm ok. In fact I didn't know anything about it. The relationship is now at an end and he moves out tomorrow.