Could someone give me some information on how I stand on paying my ex wife maintenance. My son is 19 in February and is taking a year out at the minute and will be starting Uni next October. He has a couple of part time jobs at the minute but lives with his mother. Can I stop making payments on his 19th birthday or do I have to continue payments whilst he is at Uni ?
My understanding was that you are legally not required to continue payments once they are 18 years old, regardless of employment state. The law sees them as an adult and therefore capable of looking after themselves.
If your ex is still demanding money after your child turns 18 then you need to see a solicitor.
Maintenance is linked to the child benefit entitlement. and ends 31 Aug after the child completes full time education. Uni is further education. If you are ok financially I am aware of one man who is paying �300 per month to the sona at uni - this was agreed in the financial agreement as he had already committed to this VOLUNTARY payment. The payment is now in the legal divorce agreement.