my mum had an argument with my dad last night and stormed out the house after a few glasses of wine. she only drove round the corner and due to hesitating at a junction police stopped her to breathalise her - as she had taken paracetomal and ibuprofen then couldnt get more than one breathaliser result (which was under the limit) - as they needed two they have taken a bloodtest.
the tablets affected the breathalyser but can they affect the true result of alcohol readings in a blood test??
the police were really nice to her amd said how common it is for women to have an arguement and storm out with alcohol in their system etc and could see she was genuine but obviously they have to follow the law and take the blood test - we are hoping the tablets may be a way of getting around it??
not that i am excusing drink driving at all!!! she never ever drink drives and i'm hoping the tests will show her not over the limit she only got home from work at 9pm and walked out at 10.15 so couldnt have drunk loads