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Is this legal

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PhilLew | 22:55 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | Law
13 Answers
Is it legal for someone to publish identifiable details of another person with unsubstantiated allegations that they committed a crime?

The Police don't release details of anyone who has been convicted of a crime let alone someone who has been simply been accused by a member of the public!

Is this not libellous, and is the ISP not responsible for the content of the site?

P.S. no I don't feature on it!


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Am I missing something. I cant see any personal details other than a number plate which does not identify you to the public.
Wow, That's an interesting site. I check for my registration and luckily noone's reported me so I've been good. Do the fuzz read the site?
TelfordKev has reported 291 people since he joined. It's a little sad in a way as most are about people's registration plates, but it makes interesting reading.

I could run up 291 in about a month on the stretch of road I use to get to work.

Drivers around Wolverhampton be aware, Telford Kev is out there.
i think it's a site for obnoxious, bitter people hehe
There is no need for the Police to release details. Court rooms are public arenas and full details can easily be gathered through simple law books.

And if ISP's were responsible, would they not be prosecuted for kiddy sites, rape sites and terrorist homing sites???

Strange post this one.
Ah yes, I'm from Telford! I'll bet that 'Kev' bloke sits on the Trench Interchange...
Had a look and all i can say is how sad.

There is no point to the site whatsover and I cant see how it is libellous as who can trace you by your number plate. Just the work of someone with no life.
Gmcd01. Do you know of him? Is he a local legend?
I wish I did know of him but sadly not! It's just that we had two roundabouts merged into one recently so now people get confused/angry driving round it. I don't even know of anyone called Kevin.
the laws ambiguous, thats the trouble.
All i know is that its really really sad. The only people that are going to look at it are saddo's reporting boy racers. Its not like the boy racer's going to log on to see if he "parked dangerously on a pavement outside Tesco last week"

if or not he parked dangerously, isn't that the point?
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Yes Joanne, that�s exactly the point, there is no evidence that any of these 'crimes' actually occurred. Just the ratings of a bunch of anoraks!

Your registration number identifies you to your friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues & your boss, especially if you drive a company car. And it annoys me that these idiots can publish whatever they want about anyone they like with no recourse.

If a newspaper published details of someone and accused them of a crime they didn�t commit, and produced no evidence then they would be sued for slander, so why not these guys.

Sorry�rant over.

Once again, just to make clear, I don�t feature on that site, maybe I will in the future if I see one of them sitting by the side of the road�..He drove towards me at high speed and deliberately ran me over�.LOL

Thanks to all who posted.

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