Who's at fault? in The AnswerBank: Law
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Who's at fault?

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fasttimes1 | 16:25 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | Law
13 Answers
My next door neighbour has been having work done on his property. The builder was cutting bricks using an angle grinder and the dust went all over my car. Where the dust landed on my bonnet, it has burnt off the paint, ruining an otherwise perfect car. I pointed it out to the builder who seemed non-plussed. Do I chase him for compensation? or my neighbour?

Many thanks in advance
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dust from bricks,being cut by a angle grinder,will NOT cause your paint to burn off your bonnet,i can assure you of that.
and why would it only damage your bonnet,what about all the other dust,it must have gone everywhere.
be very careful,if you try to claim,people are not that stupid.
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yes it was the dust,where the bigger bits of brick landed on the flat surfaces of the car is where it damaged paintwork,my car was totally covered in dust,but only flat surfaces were affected...the paint is burned in small blisters on top not from underneath..and i can tell you it wasnt damaged yesterday
what the hell are the bricks made of? ordinary brick dust should not cause this to happen! What make of car have you got? remind me not to get one .....
dont talk crap mate,under no circumstances is the dust the cause,they will laugh at you if you try and claim.
If the builder had been using an angle grinder to cut metal right next to your car then I could see the problem. It's highly unlikely though that brick dust drifting down is going to burn anything. It can cause a mess, yes, but not burn.

I would put this down to you not being happy that your car has been covered with dust.
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dear norman dogs breath....for your info,the dope was chasing a course with the angle grinder ,answer the question not argue the toss
but you assert in your question and first response that the damage was caused by brick dust, nothing to do with the angle grinder.
You are going to have to chase the builder (no pun intended) for compensation. But it may be a long uphill struggle. He may have public liability insurance, which might help in your claim.
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Thank you builders mate,,,first answer really... I did say brick dust and everyone imagines this soft cloud gently floating onto my car,,this wasnt the case,in fact he had his angle grinder up in the air over my neighbours front door repairing a crack in pointing,all the bits of super heated mortar and brick landed directly on my bonnet,,i have about six fivepenny sized burns in my metallic paintwork,I showed him at the time and the guy doing it agreed it was his error...but then said he would send boss round,i was just trying to find out if i was arguing with right folks.My bristish racing green car now as these white burns where the paint as seperated..isnt life joy...thanks all i was very angry but calmer now.
I would say your fault for not moving your car.
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dear doc spock....if some one comes to work ne,.xt door to your house would you move your car from your own drive,i think not donut
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