You could look at it another way- because so many bank holidays fall on a Monday you may actually get more than your fair share of bank holidays. On a pro rata basis you work 4/5ths of each week so over a year your fair share would be 4/5ths of 8 = 5.7 days. If you actually get 6 or more than you are doing well.
Many employers now prorata the bank holiday entitlement, add it to your holiday entitlement, and then take each bank holiday you have off as a day's leave.
Before someone else points out my error, yes 4/5ths of 8 is 6.4. I think I actually calculated 5/7ths in my head for some strange reason. And I'm a Maths teacher too! Hang my head in shame.
In 2008 from memory 2 of the bank holidays fall on a Friday so you do in fact lose out slightly this year, but in most years you probably get just a little more than your fair share. If you switched your days and worked Fridays instead of Thursdays you'd do even better.
The real losers are those people who just work Tues-Thurs- they rarely get bank holidays.