i have a water dyke on my land . just up the road a constuction firm are about to build a bridge ovea a main highway , they tell me that they have the right to divert rain water in to the dyke , the dyke is only about 100m from the proposed bridge and i fear the extra rain flow will flood my land . could any one tell me if this legal ,and do they have the right .
Don't rely on what the construction firm tell you - they are presumably interested in doing the job as cheaply as they can. They must be doing it under contract for someone (the local authority?) and it is them you need to contact to find out what the position is.
Also, look at your title deeds. If anyone has a right to put water into the dyke there should be something there about it.
The contractors will be working for *a Client* - who is paying for the bridge to be built. The Client must have had planning consent for the bridge - so contact your local authority's planning department and ask what the consent stipulated about drainage and dealing with temporary discharges. If you can find out who the Client is or who the Engineer is for the works, then talk to them as well. There may well be a large sign near the works giving this information and contact phone numbers. I doubt very much that they can just divert surface water onto your land without your permission.