Title deeds in The AnswerBank: Law
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Title deeds

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Swiper | 17:07 Sun 13th Apr 2008 | Law
4 Answers
I recently purchased a copy of some title deeds from the land registry site and found that the purchase price was not available. I was wondering why and where I could find out.
I know it was an auction propery and I just wanted to see how much it went for in the end.
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Have you tried the site www.mouseprice.co.uk - this often details recent house sale prices - you will need to know the postcode of the property to look it up.
Unless you want to know the average price of fieldmice paid at the 'Bird of Prey' auctions, the above won't help - it should say 'houseprice' not 'mouseprice'.
And that site won't help you anyway because it sources the same information using the Land Registry data (it buys the data from the LR).
The LR starting putting transaction prices onto their system during 2000 - so if it's any earlier, it is a non-starter.
You could try the auctioneer, but I think there is no obligation to give you the detailsl
Minor mistake - it is actually www.mouseprice.com not .co.uk.

Always somebody prepared to shoot you down in flames on this site !
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Thanks for your help but I've already tried those sites and it doesn't come up with anything.
Thanks anyway.

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