If you are getting Income Support including payment for dependent children in full time education, are the children allowed part time work and would it affect the benefit? Thanks
The income of a dependant child does affect Income Support but only if you have been getting benefit since before 6 April 2004 with the child included in your claim and you do not yet have an award for child tax credit
Once CTC is awarded then the child is no longer included in your Income Support claim and then the income from the child is ignored
The rules are a little complex so please contact your local DWP office
If you get Care DLA then the income from the child (even when they go over 18) wont affect your housing/council tax benefit claim but if you get mobility DLA then sorry the income will count when 18 yrs and over and you no longer receive child benefit
Not sure on Income support as dont work in that department
Thanks for yor help.
Hubby gets high rate for both elements of DLA. Knew about Council tax and housing benefit as one of our daughters has just started full time work and these benefits are not affected. Rang about income support and if our other daughter gets a weekend end job our income support willl not be affected as long as she does not earn more than they pay out for her. Just want to do it all properly.