internet fraud in The AnswerBank: Technology
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internet fraud

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YvonneM | 22:58 Tue 09th Sep 2008 | Technology
7 Answers
Has anyone else received E mails from HSBC or Abbey National asking for account detail The link in the e mail takes you to a authentic looking site where they ask you to verify your account details and password. Banks never put a hyperlink in their e mails It is obviously a fraud this is one reason I don't do internet banking
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These phishing emails are very common - everyone gets them from time to time.

Why would an email from somebody not related to the company in any way put you off internet banking?
I've had them appearing to come from almost every bank in the UK (and from loads of US banks as well).

My attitude is always "You're not going to con me but, good luck to you mate, I hope you screw a few thousand people for every penny they've got". If people can't be bothered to read the security advice that their banks provide, they deserve to lose everything.


internet banking is easy - thinking isn't quite as easy .... but if you do it - you have nothing to fear.

one thing extra ... many of the scammers hold part of their e-mail (generally part of the graphic)

"just checking" the link confirms that that particular e-mail address hit a live machine (which confirms you exist) and also logs your ip address.... both of which will be sold on to other scammers as live

next time you get something like this (and now you can guarantee you will) - just delete it ... let sherlock holmes do the detective work
get loads, often the spelling and grammer is a bit of giveaway...quite funny sometimes...
Its easy to see how non PC or newbies to the internet scene get caught out...

as Ethel says there is no reason not to use internet banking , i couldnt survive without it..and to be honest i have never met anyone yet who have had a problem.There are quite sophisticated security systems in place.
.I think the basic rule is you log into them when YOU want to not when asked..thats when alarm bells start ringing.
You shouldn't follow a link in any email - always access the site from your browser.

All the time and from Banks I have no accounts with.
Ignore anything that asks for details by email.
Phishing sites are now frequently combined with "drive by" Trojans. Simply visiting the site can land a trojan onto your computer.

NEVER visit a site linked in a phishing email.

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