rules and progressive discipline
You are a front office manager at a medium-size branded hotel. The hotel follows corporate SOPs (Standard Operation Procedure) to the letter. Your best front office Manager in Training (MIT) program upon his graduation from school this semester. This news has him and you quite motivated, as he really wants a management career with this claim.
One night it is extremely busy at the front desk, with long check-in lines. Your star agent has picked up his bank from the general cashier, placed it into the terminal drawer; and started checking in guests. Some of the other agents see the crowd before they pick up their banks, and jump behind the desk to help with check-ins. Contrary to company policy; you star agent lets other agents use his bank. At the close of the shift, he is exactly RM 200short. According to company policy, any bank discrepancy over a certain amount is grounds for disciplinary action. Also, an individual who has disciplinary notice in his or her personal file is ineligible to participate in the MIT program. He offers to replace the money from his own money pocket. But company policy prohibits that, and even if he did it, the disciplinary action would still be required.
You know that one of his coworkers ripped him off, but you cannot prove it. It was also his fault because company policy prohibits giving other individuals access to personal bank. You feel sympathy for this guy because this incident will ruin his opportunity to break into management.
what are you going to do?