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medical malpractice

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blade1jet2 | 00:50 Mon 03rd Nov 2008 | Law
3 Answers
My dad fell in hospital badly bruising his right shoulder hand and hip.

After 5 days of telling nursing staff he was in great pain when they were lifting him in and out of bed they sent him for x-rays.

Which showed he had broken his hip in the fall and had to get a hip replacement operations.

I think he has a case for medical malpractice as the hospital delayed his x-rays and in turn delayed his operations.

Can anyone advice me on this


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haven't read chrises link, but im sure its about how to make an NHS complaint. My advice would be to go down this route first, and the result of that will tell you how likely it would be that the hospital would be seen as at fault. if you are not happy with the outcome of their official complaints process, you can appeal to the health care comission. Then if you want to continue, consult a lawyer. if you use a lawyer during the other processes, they will not continue, as they are not allowed to, meaning its possibly costly for you, if you have no hope of winning.
Another thing to consider is that you will have to get your dads permission to persue this.
haven't read chrises link, but im sure its about how to make an NHS complaint. My advice would be to go down this route first, and the result of that will tell you how likely it would be that the hospital would be seen as at fault. if you are not happy with the outcome of their official complaints process, you can appeal to the health care comission. Then if you want to continue, consult a lawyer. if you use a lawyer during the other processes, they will not continue, as they are not allowed to, meaning its possibly costly for you, if you have no hope of winning.
Another thing to consider is that you will have to get your dads permission to persue this.

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