my mother was a care giver to my grandmother up until death. she is one of 3 children and not chosen as the executor. there is credit card debt that totaled @ 10,000.00 of unnecessary needs. the card was in my grandmothers name. the executor, my uncle demanding the money be put back into the estate or taken from her 3rd in the end.
mothers money along with grandmothers money was used to keep the house running as well many medical needs. i know this does not give the rite to jack up the credit card although i just wanted to know if this money leagely needs replaced.
If your mother used the card for her own purposes, yes it does because the credit card will have to paid for out of the estate - so the beneficiaries will lose out.
Did your mother use your grandmother's card to buy things (and was that to buy unnecessary items rather than gran's household bills)?
Was it a joint account or just in grandmother's name?
Did she use it unlawfully?
Or did grandmother use card, authorise the payments and choose to make them as gifts to your mum?